Forbes editorial project

01/07/20202 Minutes

Forbes Romania has asked the Romanian business community to answer some of the most important questions at the moment, for project #reinventarearomaniei.

Opportunities for Romania

Sorin Cosmescu: It’s a lot to say that a new path awaits Romania, but there are plenty of opportunities created by the current context and benefits our country has, that we should take advantage of, once the pandemic is over. Of course, this requires sustained effort and focus, determination and general agreement at the right moment, plus the energy accumulated after months of inactivity.

Areas that need to be reformed

Sorin Cosmescu: The reform of public institutions and local and central administration must remain at the forefront of Romania’s strategic objectives. If the decision to digitalize proved to be efficient during the pandemic, decentralization, simplification, flexibility and availability of services provided by the state to the Romanian taxpayer, regardless of its nature and origin, are mandatory conditions to ensure accelerated and long-term development. This objective is as tangible as possible, given the technological boom and local IT resources available in Romania at this time.

Urgent recovery measures

Sorin Cosmescu: The Government’s task is not easy, they have to find a balance between the support authorities must provide to people and companies affected by the pandemic and the resumption of investments in education, health and transport infrastructure. The Government should make the most out of the facilities offered by the European Union and focus on a few major objectives in the areas mentioned, which must also be completed. The data show that we have gone through this crisis better than other nations, we have a moral ascendancy that must be preserved through what we will do next, we must prove to ourselves that we can do more and now, the government has the chance and the obligation to do so, as well.