Working from home – how it has been for us, so far

15/04/20203 Minutes

It’s been a month since companies whose activity allows it, have decided to start working from home, and we are expecting this situation to continue at least one more month. During this period, there have been a lot of changes in business. Given the context, EXE Software has pointed out some information that might be useful for companies wishing to improve their experience.

So, here are some pieces of advice that could be useful when working from home:

  • Pay attention to Internet connection, it is very important to have a stable connection, unless you want working from home to become a burden
  • Find reliable apps that can replace the usual meetings, which have now become remote encounters
  • Invest effort in writing text messages and emails, because now, more than ever, these have to be comprehensive and consist in structured, easy to understand information
  • Use video calls instead of audio calls, because non-verbal communication is as important as ever, helping maintain healthy relationships between colleagues
  • Separate work tasks from chores or activities that are necessary for home staying
  • Build a daily schedule, similar to the one you used to have when working from the office
  • Take regular breaks, in order to rest and distract from your routine

“For us, the possibility that the entire company should start working from home first appeared at the end of February, given the alarming situation in China and the predictions about the global spread of the virus. During the first weeks of March, we performed a test on internal infrastructure and communication channels, as well as remote working capacity for each team. We were happy to see that the results were positive and there was no bottleneck in any project, which is why ever since, all our colleagues have been working from home.

It has been very helpful that we were already collaborating with international clients, which means that remote work was something common in our company and we had the infrastructure to support this process. Basically, we are continuing all our projects, just as before.

However, the times we are living will definitely make us more responsible with ourselves, our family, our community, our country and the entire world”, says Sorin Cosmescu, EXE Software CEO.